Flamingo tracking laboratory
Flamingo Tracking Laboratory Citizen science initiative of the Pedro and Elena Hernández AC Foundation
FlamencoLab is made up of citizens and institutions committed to the conservation of Flamenco.
FlamencoLab integrates, curates and disseminates the information generated from ring tracking and satellite transmitters for the conservation of Flamenco and its habitat .
FlamencoLab integra, cura y difunde la información generada del rastreo de anillos y trasmisores satelitales para la conservación del Flamenco y su hábitat.
Our history and mission is conservation
FlamencoLab in a long-term study started in 1987 that consists of placing rings and later, radio transmitters on Flamencos for monitoring. The continuous collection of this data provides information that allows us to understand aspects of the ecology of this species for its conservation.
Photo Juan Pech
Together we are generating crucial information for the preservation of the flamingo habitat, and involving more and more people in improving the relationship between society and wildlife. In our Blog we will be publishing actions aimed at preventing and minimizing the impacts that affect the flamingo population and its habitat.
The placing of rings on Flamingos born in Yucatán has been carried out by several organizations; which has resulted in data records with different conformations.
For those interested in knowing the particularities of these, we suggest that you contact us at:
Join FlamencoLab
Request your FlamencoLab Member credential on WhatsApp and take it with you on your outings in search of rings and enjoy nature while contributing to science.
Prepare your camera, binoculars or telescope and record the ring codes on the Flamingos.
Share your photos with us and get information about the reported individuals.
Photo Angelica Schober
Explore and enjoy the Rías, Ciénagas and Salinas, and help us understand a little more about the preferred habitats of flamingos.
There is much to discover and learn.
We hope you enjoy our website, hear wonderful stories, and take a moment to leave us your comments. Your information is invaluable to carry out conservation actions for the Flamingo, which despite being an emblematic species, is being threatened.
Foto Angelica Schober
Observatorio de Flamencos Afectados
¡Únete a nuestra causa! Te invitamos a capturar fotos y videos de Flamencos afectados. Tu colaboración es fundamental para desarrollar planes de mitigación que prevengan accidentes e identifiquen los puntos críticos que amenazan a estas aves. Al reducir la mortalidad por colisiones, tendidos eléctricos y ataques de perros ferales, podemos hacer una gran diferencia. Con esta valiosa información, visibilizaremos el problema y propondremos medidas efectivas para su conservación. ¡Cada reporte cuenta!
An Interesting Finding in the Ciénaga "Arenales de Progreso": Flamingos Born in 2010 and Habitat Preference.
Photo Angelica Schober
50% of the rings registered in Arenales correspond to those born in 2010.
The Arenales marsh is a habitat used by 9 different cohorts from 4 to 24 years of age, the average being 11 years old.
Arenales is a preferred habitat for the 2010 cohort in the reproductive period (July).
Of the 355 Flamingos born and banded in 2010, 3.66% are reported in Arenales.
All sites where banding is recorded for the 2010 cohort are hypersaline habitats.
The photos of Angelica, Isaac, Mike and Ivan provided valuable clues to identify the importance of Arenales for the 2010 cohort.
Despite high disturbance, Arenales offers relevant microhabitats for shelter, foraging and resting for Flamingos.